ERA-NET Smart Energy Systems Joint Call 2020 (MICall20)

Joint Call 2020 (MICall20) on digital transformation for green energy transition

The Joint Programming Platform Smart Energy Systems (JPP SES) in collaboration with the global initiative Mission Innovation has opened the Joint Call 2020 ("MICall20") on digital transformation for green energy transition. The aim is to support transnational research and innovation activities unleashing the potential of digital transformation for a sustainable energy society. The total available budget for the Joint Call 2020 ("MICall20") exceeds € 25 Mio (including co-funding from the European Commission).

By accelerating the implementation, adaption and knowledge creation of digital solutions in energy systems and networks, this call supports the following objectives:

  • Advance the green energy transition in all sectors of the energy system while ensuring security of supply 
  • Shaping new transnational business and investment opportunities by sector coupling and development of new value chains in innovative and cost-effective energy solutions, thereby creating new employment opportunities and contributing to the development of an environmentally sustainable financial growth 
  • Ensuring social sustainability and coherence with digitalisation in other sectors in the progression of the green energy transition.


On top of national eligibility criteria, a project must be transnational by nature, involving at least two independent entities and from at least two different countries of the ERA-Net SES EnerDigit partners.

Call procedure timings:

Compulsory advisory period 14 December 2020 – 6 May 2021
Compulsory registration of interest deadline 17 February 2021, 14:00 CET
Application portal opening for full proposal submissions 12 March 2021
Full proposal submission deadline 6 May 2021, 14:00 CEST


Transnational via NordForsk Application Portal bis 6.Mai 2021, 14:00
National via eCall bis 13.Mai 2021, 12:00 (verfügbar ab 18.Februar 2021)

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