Patent.Voucher - Funding, Guidelines

Check your innovation idea on patentability

The Patent.Voucher supports small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) as well as start-ups and founders to check the patentability of their innovation idea and furthermore to speed up preparation and submission of the application for a patent.  The FFG aid covers up to 80 % of the total costs (non-repayable subsidies), which are limited by € 12.500,-. Submission of an application is possible at any time.

The Patent.Voucher is based on two phases as follows:

  1. Compulsory, interactive search for intellectual property rightsdone by a national Patent Agency
  2. Optional, preparation and execution of a national and international (PCT) patent application as well as accompanying patent monitoring

The essentials in brief

Program Owner / Sponsor FFG - Austrian Research Promotion Agency
Project type
Submission possible anytime
Target group SME, Startups
Selection by Evaluations are conducted by experts of the FFG (swift approval processes)
What is being funded The FFG aid covers up to 80 % of the total costs, which are limited by € 12.500,-.
Min. / max. funding 0 / € 10.000,-
Which costs are eligible for funding? Patent.Voucher Guidlines (German only)
Min. / max. running time 12 - 24 months
Availability from 03.10.2016 - constantly


T 0043577551507
Gabriele KÜSSLER
Gabriele KÜSSLER
T 0043577551504

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