FFG Academy Webinar: ERC Consolidator Grant Call 2019

Tips for a competitive proposal
This webinar aims in particular to support researchers in their preparation of a proposal to the Consolidator Grant Call 2019.

The webinar will address the aims and specific features of the Consolidator Grant Call and provide tips for a competitive application, building also on lessons learnt from ERC evaluation comments and feedback from panel members. Questions by participants will be addressed in a Q+A session.

This webinar will be held in English.


Kleine und mittlere Unternehmen (KMU), Große Unternehmen (GU), Universitäten, Fachhochschulen, Kompetenzzentren, Forschungseinrichtungen, Einzel-ForscherInnen, Start-Up, (Gemeinnützige) Vereine, Gebietskörperschaften, Multiplikatoren / Intermediäre


Dr. Ylva HUBER
Dr. Ylva HUBER
National Contact Point for ERC

T 0043577554102
Assistance for FFG Academy

T 0043577554111