Archiv Veranstaltungen - ECSEL

aktuelle Veranstaltungen
Herbstveranstaltung ECSEL-Austria – Technology as enabler for the Green Agenda
Die Schwerpunkte der diesjährigen ECSEL-Austria Herbstveranstaltung bilden aktuelle Informationen – auf nationaler wie europäischer Ebene – sowie zukünftige technische Trends.
Dazu ist ein Podiumsgespräch mit hochrangigen Vertretern aus Bund, Industrie und europäischer Kommission zum Thema „Tec for Green: Technology enabling the Green Agenda“ geplant. Wir freuen uns, Frau Bundesministerin Leonore Gewessler begrüßen zu dürfen.
Weitere Programm-Highlights werden Neuigkeiten zur österreichischen sowie zur europäischen Strategie/Ausrichtung der Förderprogramme (KDT) sein. Aktuelle Entwicklungen zum Thema „Quantum Technologien“ runden das Programm ab. (Konferenzsprache: Deutsch/Englisch)

ECS Brokerage Event 2020
The ECS Brokerage Event combines the brokerage activities of the industry associations AENEAS, ARTEMIS-IA and EPoSS into one networking event dedicated to project proposals in the field of Electronic Components and Systems.
This event facilitates the ECS communities and collects all project proposals and experts together, making it easier for the ECS research community to find and create information and project proposals.

ECSEL JU Symposium 2019

European and global stakeholders in the Electronic Components and Systems (ECS) field, from Industry, Research and Financial Communities as well as European, National and Regional decision makers and international partners, will get together to discuss and evaluate major developments within the ECS sector in Europe. The event will give opportunity and space for the ECSEL JU projects to present their progress and results to date, to disseminate the scientific and technological achievements, and to cast light on their contributions to the programme. A dedicated project exhibition tour will allow interaction and networking with ECSEL JU project participants.

#LetsCluster 2019

A program with a great variety of events awaits the international participants. In addition, a HighTech Expo with the greats of the national and international micro and nanoelectronic ecosystem and outstanding B2B Matchmaking opportunities hosted by the Enterprise Europe Network, make up an immersive three-day program.

This Lighthouse Summit will highlight the strength of the European Electronic Based System industry and showcase solutions in the areas of Smart Living, Smart Mobility, Health Technology, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Cyber Security and Industry 4.0.

In addition, it will provide the opportunity to connect all the stakeholders from European flagship enterprises and SMEs to R&D institutions and users of these solutions, to foster business cooperation and R&D partnersHIPS.

Nähere Informationen und Anmeldung

ECSEL-Austria Spring Conference 2018
The spring conference of ECSEL-Austria 2018 is dedicated to the contribution of Electronic based Systems (EbS) to the transition process towards IoT in the industry. The conference will span a holistic overview on Austrian/European strengths and the main challenges and competences needed to bring innovative IoT solutions to the market.
A second focus topic of the conference is put on information and news regarding the RDI landscape in Europe and in Austria (incl. status update of Silicon Austria Labs). Furthermore one dedicated session will address international cooperation with focus on "Digital Sweden" generating ideas on future bilateral collaboration in the EbS domain.

ECSEL-Austria: „ECSEL-New Activities“ 2016
This two-day event will give an overview of all these new activities. On the first day, the ECSEL-Austria conference will focus on detailed discussions about the core topics of the Multi Annual Strategic Plan (MASP) of the ECSEL-JTI. Italy, Spain and Sweden will present their ECSEL-related activities.
The second day shall give a broader overview about the future priorities of JU ECSEL as well as AENEAS, ARTEMISIA and EPoSS. In Austria, the landscape of electronic based systems is developing fast as well. “Silicon Austria” was officially announced during the Technology Talks in Alpbach 2016 and will provide a substantial impact for the R&D scene. Strategies for this sector will be introduced and discussed in cooperation with the directors of the European associations.
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ECSEL Brokerage Event 2016
Der ECSEL Brokerage Event für die Calls 2016 wird von 27. bis 28. Jänner 2016 im Strasbourg Convention & Exhibition Centre, Frankreich stattfinden. Hier können Sie mehr über die kommenden Calls erfahren und potenzielle Konsortialpartner kennenlernen. Nähere Informationen und Anmeldung unter

ECSEL-Austria Herbstveranstaltung 2015
Die ECSEL Austria Herbstveranstaltung 2015 ("Electronic- & Software-based Systems in Europe") findet am 23. November 2015 im Sofitel Vienna Stephansdom, Praterstrasse 1, 1020 Wien statt. Nähere Informationen und Anmeldung unter

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