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Urban Europe – 1st Joint Call for Proposals 2012

creating attractive, sustainable and economically viable urban areas
Ausschreibung offen von 11.06.2012 00:00 bis 18.09.2012 00:00
BMK - Bundesministerium für Klimaschutz, Umwelt, Energie, Mobilität, Innovation und Technologie Urban Europe – 1st Joint Call for Proposals 2012
Die Joint Programming Initiative Urban Europe ist ein Netzwerk aus europäischen Staaten, welche das Ziel verfolgen attraktive, nachhaltige und wirtschaftlich funktionsfähige urbane Gebiete zu schaffen.

Diese Ausschreibung wird transnational durchgeführt. 


Topic 1. Urban diversity and social cohesion

  • Improve the understanding of processes of segregation/integration across groups divided by age, ethnicity, health, wealth, and language, and which actions promote increased integration for the most critical chasms.
  • Better understand how diversity can be a strengthening aspect of society and under what circumstances such societal benefits best flourish.
  • Find new and improved methods how to integrate citizens in the public decision making process, activate marginalised groups in societal actions, and spread the sense of being part of society. 
  • Foster social-oriented innovation by investigating the conditions and restrictions driving user acceptance of new technologies/products/solutions and their consequences for new urban governance


Topic 2. Urban systems and networks
Specific project goals could be defined as to fit within one or more of these broad guidelines;

  • Advance the development of a select system or network, its integration with society and legacy systems, and its suitability and acceptability for some select user group
  • Improve the way an existing system, network or service is managed, monitored, and integrated with user groups, public bodies and private enterprise
  • Improve the coordination of multiple systems and networks in order to obtain higher efficiencies, lower external effects and/or higher reliability, e.g. for the movement of people and goods in and between cities, in a way that takes long term effects in demand and land use into account.


Topic 3. Governance of complex urban systems
Specific project goals could be defined as to fit within one or more of these broad guidelines;

  • Explore new forms of participatory and/or self-organizing urban governance
  • Improve the process of gathering data from urban systems and making useful and comprehensible use of it
  • How to realize tangible benefit from closer collaboration between scientists, politicians, business and civil society.
  • Investigate living lab approaches for urban scenarios by evaluating projects using this method; to further develop the living lab concept, and adapt it to the complexity of urban governance.


Verfügbare Instrumente für österreichische Partner

• Einzelprojekt der Grundlagenforschung
• Kooperatives Projekt der Grundlagenforschung
• Einzelprojekt der Industriellen Forschung
• Kooperatives F&E Projekt der Industriellen Forschung / Experimentellen Entwicklung
• Sondierungen für Industrielle Forschung / Experimentelle Entwicklung


  • Ausschreibungsvolumen insgesamt ca. EUR 7,55 Mio.
  • Nationales Ausschreibungsvolumen EUR 1,2 Mio.
  • Projektdauer maximal 3 Jahre
  • Projektkonsortien bestehen aus mindestens 3 voneinander unabhängigen Partnern aus mindesten zwei Mitgliedsstaaten der JPI Urban Europe


11. Juni 2012 bis 18. September 2012 12:00 CET via


Call Secretariat, National Contact Person

T 0043577557016

JPI Urban Europe