Advisory Committees

FFG Advisory Committee for the General Programmes

The FFG Management has established an Advisory Committee for the General Programmes in agreement with the Supervisory Board and in accordance with the FFG Act. The members are nominated by the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, the Federal Chamber of Labour, the Austrian Trade Union Federation and the Chamber of Agriculture in accordance with the Committee’s rules of procedure. Special emphasis is placed on choosing members with specialist knowledge in economics, business management and technology from different industrial and technological fields.

The Committee advises on the funding of individual projects submitted to the General Programmes, Bridge, Headquarter and High Tech Start-ups. It also advises the management in the following matters: issuing of guidelines, managing the General Programmes, preparing the annual work programme and multi-year programme, further development of the funding instruments, and defining key funding areas.

FFG Advisory Committee of the Aeronautics and Space Agency

The Advisory Committee of the Aeronautics and Space Agency was established with the specific goal of supporting the FFG in strategy development in the aerospace sector.

Aerospace is a high-tech field requiring strong public commitment. The FFG Advisory Committee of the Aeronautics and Space Agency is placed at the interface with the relevant ministry and acts as a major driving force and multiplier to define framework conditions and make recommendations. It serves as a platform for consultations and suggestions as to the strategic orientation of the aerospace activities both to the FFG Management and the Head of the Aeronautics and Space Agency. Working groups have been established to develop recommendations for supporting Austrian participation in ESA programmes. The Advisory Committee also serves as the discussion forum for the FFG’s contribution to the Austrian aeronautics research, innovation and technology strategy of the Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology (BMVIT), for the national Take-Off Programme and Austrian participation in the 7th EU Framework Programme.

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