"Horizon 2020" – Minister Faßmann: Next step towards 1.5 billion euros

Already 1.06 billion euros of European research funding to Austria – Egerth and Pseiner emphasise FFG information and consultancy services– Work on successor programme "Horizon Europe" in full swing

The work on the successor programme "Horizon Europe" is in full swing:
FFG Managing Director Klaus Pseiner, EU-Commissioner Carlos Moedas, FFG Managing Director Henrietta Egerth and Minister Heinz Faßmann.
Fotocredit: FFG/Oreste Schaller
In the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, "Horizon 2020", Austria is taking the next step towards the ambitious target of 1.5 billion euros. According to the latest data from the European Commission, researchers working in Austrian universities, research institutions and companies have raised 1.06 billion euros since 2014. "This is another excellent example of Austria as a strong place for research and innovation. Austria ranks among the top 3 in Europe in the field of research", says Federal Minister Heinz Faßmann. As the National Contact Point for "Horizon 2020", the Austrian Research Promotion Agency FFG offers a comprehensive range of information and consultancy services, including personal consultations, proposal checks, webinars and interview trainings. 
"In terms of the success rate, Austria is one of the three best performing countries in Europe and is well above the average of the other countries", the FFG Managing Directors Henrietta Egerth and Klaus Pseiner refer to the Austrian success rate (of participations) of 17.1 percent compared to 14.8 percent of all countries. Viewed by programme, researchers and companies in Austria are particularly successful in the ERC (European Research Council; 220.8 million euros), ICT (Information and Communication Technologies; 148.2 million euros), Transport (120 million euros) and Energy (100.5 million euros). As the National Contact Point for "Horizon 2020" the FFG supports researchers and companies with a comprehensive range of information and consultancy services, and works closely with the Federal Ministries to successfully position Austria within the European Research Area.
While "Horizon 2020" is in full swing, the Austrian Presidency of the Council of the European Union is particularly responsible for shaping the successor programme "Horizon Europe" (2021 - 2027). "The largest budget pot of ‘Horizon Europe’ will be dedicated to global challenges", says Federal Minister Faßmann. "This is an opportunity for our universities and companies to position themselves strategically in the 'Missions' and 'Partnerships' of 'Horizon Europe'. In 'Horizon 2020', the share of the higher education sector in the successful Austrian participations fell to 28.4 percent, compared to 36.6 percent in the 7th Framework Programme. "The Austrian Presidency is engaged in intensive negotiations with the aim that our universities can once again participate more strongly in all three pillars of Horizon Europe", assures Heinz Faßmann in his capacity as current Chairman of the EU Council of Ministers for Research. 


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