Quantum Austria 1st Call (Topic 1) (closed)

Funding formats of the Austrian Research Promotion Agency

Around 39 million euros are available in the 1st call for proposals under the Quantum Austria funding initiative. The call is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research from funds of the Austrian Development and Resilience Plan / NextGenerationEU.

The call aims to promote excellent, transformative and innovative research and development in the field of quantum technologies including quantum computing and next generation high performance computing. All important information for submission can be found in the call guide and the respective instrument guide. They describe the objectives and focus of the call. These and other documents and templates can be found below in the downloadcenter.

Information on submission options for projects focussing on Topic 2 can be found on the call website "Quantum Austria 1st call (Topic 2)".

Information on submission options for flagship projects can be found on the call website "Quantum Austria 1st call - flagship project".

Submission of project proposals is only possible via eCall until April 27, 2022, 12:00 Noon (CET).

Submission at a later date will not be considered and will result in exclusion from the selection process.

Project applications in the field of basic research can only be submitted via the FWF

We would like to point out that the "Special Directive Quantum Austria" required for funding has not yet been put into effect. As soon as the mentioned guideline becomes valid, we will publish a new version of the call guideline. Until then, version 1.1 is valid, subject to possible changes.


Report template

Call Guideline

Technical Guidelines

Guidelines to Cost Eligibility

Project Descriptions

Submissions using the instrument Bridge Science Transfer have to be made via the 35th BRIDGE Call until March 30, 2022, 12:00 noon. The project title should refer to Quantum Austria. The Leitfaden BRIDGE, which describes the call and the instrument, apply. (only available in German)

Declaration of SME-Status

Note: Sole proprietorships, associations, start-ups and foreign companies must submit a eclaration of SME status in the course of submitting the application. In the template provided by the FFG, a classification of the last 3 years according to the SME definition must be made - if possible.

+43 577 554 902 E-Mail senden
Dr. Andreas GEISSLER
+43 577 555 146 E-Mail senden
Mag. Erwin ECKHART MSc
+43 577 556 095 E-Mail senden
Mag. Alexander GLECHNER
+43 577 556 082 E-Mail senden
+43 577 552 412 E-Mail senden
WLCEK Katrin
Dr. Katrin WLCEK
+43 577 552 411 E-Mail senden

About the FFG

The Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) is the national funding institution for industry-related research and development in Austria. FFG funding plays a key role in generating new knowledge, developing new products and services, and thereby becoming more competitive in the global market.
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