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DI Anton Plimon

„Innovationen entstehen zunehmend durch Vernetzung und Kooperation. Erfolgreiche Forschungskooperationen bedürfen dabei klarer Rollenbilder der einzelnen Partner und ermöglichen dort hohe Nachhaltigkeit und Wertschöpfung wo hohe wissenschaftliche Qualität auf eine starke Industrie trifft.“

Kurzbiographie DI Anton Plimon

Date of birth: 1958
Place of birth: Wolfsberg, Province of Carinthia, Austria


Since 2009 Managing Director, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
2008–2009 Managing Director, Austrian Research Centers - ARC
2000–2009 Managing Director, arsenal research
Since 2006 Member of the executive board and holder of a general power of attorney, Austrian Research Centers
2000–2003 Managing director for science and technology, arsenal research
1999 Head of transport technologies division, arsenal research
1988–1999 AVL List GmbH, Graz
1997–1999 Product manager for Computational Fluid Dynamics and thermodynamics product group
1996 Process owner for the design and implementation of a software development process for AST division
1993–1999 CFD and numerical simulation of combustion
1988–1993 Experimental fluid mechanics and laser measurement for combustion diagnosis
1987–1988 Military service
1986–1987 Diploma thesis and freelancer for AVL List GmbH, Graz

• Member of the board of the University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien
• Member of the board of Forschung Austria
• President of the Supervisory Board of LKR Leichtmetallkompetenzzentrum Ranshofen GmbH

1979 School-leaving examination, pass with distinction, HTL Klagenfurt (higher technical institute), mechanical engineering Studied technical physics at the Graz University of Technology
1986 Diploma thesis: "Laser extinction measurements with a diesel fuel injection spray", Graz University of Technology, Institute of Experimental Physics and AVL List GmbH

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