Making Austria a leading research and innovation location

FFG funding schemes play an important role in generating new knowledge, developing new products and services, and enhancing competitiveness in the global marketplace. They make it easier, or possible, to finance research and innovation projects, and help to absorb the risks involved in research. The FFG supports international networking and encourages careers in science.

The FFG offers a comprehensive range of services for Austrian enterprises, research institutions and researchers in all phases of technology development and innovation – from public funding programmes to consulting services, from support for integration into European research programmes and networks to the promotion of Austria’s interests at the European and the International level.

FFG acts as the national contact point for the EU programme Horizon 2020 as well as other international programmes, and is actively involved in a range of European and international initiatives including many ERANETs and the Enterprise Europe Network. The agency provides professional expertise on tax incentives for research and innovation (“R&D allowance”) and coordinates Austrian activities in space research and technology. It has also been commissioned to manage the programme to extend Austria’s broadband infrastructure (“the broadband billion”). 

Entry Ticket to the World of Innovation

The FFG eases entry into the world of research and innovation. With its low-threshold offerings, even businesses lacking an internal research department can find suitable partners and prepare to engage in ongoing research.

Corporate Research, SMEs and Start-ups

General Programme single firm projects are the appropriate form of funding for in-house initiatives. Submissions can be made at any time and for any topic, and funding decisions are made within just a few weeks. Special funding schemes are available for SMEs and startups, as well as for business associations (so-called sectoral research projects).

Focal Areas and collaborative Projects between Business und Science

The FFG offers a number of thematic funding programmes for important economic or social topics which will shape our future lives. They include energy, cities and the environment, mobility, materials and production, information and communication technologies, safety and security, and space. Many of these projects are undertaken by companies working together with research institutes or universities.

Structures and Infrastructures

Research and innovation rely on state-of-the-art structures and infrastructures if they are to produce the best results. FFG funding programmes range from establishing new research priorities through to creating major competence centres, as well as laboratories and special research infrastructures.

Innovation / Open Innovation

Innovation processes continue to evolve. Involving new groups such as users, suppliers, important stakeholders, applying new methods, and the growing importance of non-technological innovations are all developments actively supported by the FFG.

Qualifications, Human Resources and Young Talent

The FFG helps children and young people to enter the world of research, technology and innovation through school projects and internships. It also supports the implementation of novel training programmes for businesses, while raising the profile of specific subject areas at universities by endowed professorships.

Digitalisation takes Priority

The FFG is increasingly focusing on modern information and communication technologies, not only in terms of research funding, where already every second euro goes to digitalisation-related topics, but also in building up infrastructure and addressing social and economic structural changes. For example, the FFG is currently implementing the Broadband Austria 2020 programme, and hosts the Federal Government’s Digitalisation Agency, the central platform for networking, advice and support.

Services for your Success

As well as direct funding awarded by the FFG, the research premium (tax incentive) is one of Austria’s most important locational advantages for innovative businesses. The FFG undertakes the assessments required, quickly, and free of charge for businesses.

The FFG service portfolio is complemented by the job exchange for research and technology, support in finding partners both in Austria and abroad, and a whole range of advisory and training measures. The FFG is also a competence centre for innovative public procurement, participates in the European EURAXESS initiative and runs the Global Incubator Network start-up programme together with the aws.

About the FFG

The Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) is the national funding institution for industry-related research and development in Austria. FFG funding plays a key role in generating new knowledge, developing new products and services, and thereby becoming more competitive in the global market.
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