Employee directory
AGIOVLASITIS IraklisEuropean and International Programmes
AHL UrsulaThematic Programmes
AICHBERGER GertrudThematic Programmes
AIGINGER-EVANGELISTI PhilippGeneral Programmes
AKINCI TansuGeneral Programmes
ALBER CharlotteStrategy Unit, Data Analysis and Business Development
ALBERT GabriellaThematic Programmes
ALBU MihaelaEuropean and International Programmes
ANDRES AnnamariaGeneral Programmes
ARENDS MaxEuropean and International Programmes
ARPE JanGeneral Programmes
ASCHAUER ChristianGeneral Programmes
AUER Lisa-MarieGeneral Programmes
AUFNER DorisStructural Programmes
BACHHOFNER DanielaEuropean and International Programmes
BADER JuliaGeneral Programmes
BADJEVIC NikolaOperations Management
BALUSZYNSKA GabrielaAudit Unit
BALUSZYNSKI AlbertAudit Unit
BARNET ChristianAudit Unit
BAUMGARTNER MartinEuropean and International Programmes
BEDNAR BrigitteStructural Programmes
BELANYECZ MyriamHuman Resources and Organisation
BENJES PaulStrategy Unit, Data Analysis and Business Development
BERG ElisabethEuropean and International Programmes
BERGER AngelaEuropean and International Programmes
BERGER FlorianGeneral Programmes
BERNHARD KarinGeneral Programmes
BERNHARD RudolfGeneral Programmes
BERSET LucAeronautics and Space Agency
BIBA-STICKLER TheresiaHuman Resources and Organisation
BIDMON MarcusEuropean and International Programmes
BINDER ManuelThematic Programmes
BINDER MichaelStrategy Unit, Data Analysis and Business Development
BINDER PetraResearch and Development Allowance
BISSENBERGER JuliaStructural Programmes
BLAHOVEC ClaudiaThematic Programmes
BLIEMSRIEDER BarbaraEuropean and International Programmes
BÖCK AlexanderAudit Unit
BOCKSTEFL JohannesThematic Programmes
BODISCH UrsulaThematic Programmes
BOGNI AstridGeneral Programmes
BRANDENBURG RolandThematic Programmes
BRAUN BarbaraGeneral Programmes
BRÜGGEMANN ChristianThematic Programmes
BUCHMAYER ClaudiaGeneral Programmes
BÜRGERMEISTER-MÄHR MariaThematic Programmes
BUSSMANN ManuelOperations Management
BUTTENHAUSER MoritzStructural Programmes
CANLI ZehraOperations Management
CASARI NicoleStructural Programmes
CELEBI EmrahOperations Management
CETINKAYA CanerOperations Management
CHAVANNE GabrielaAudit Unit
CIHAL TinaEuropean and International Programmes
CUTURA AnitaThematic Programmes
CZERNY Alysha JoyStructural Programmes
DE-BARROS TAVARES Maria IsabelHuman Resources and Organisation
DIETL MichaelaHuman Resources and Organisation
DJORDJEVIC AleksandarStrategy Unit, Data Analysis and Business Development
DLESK GeraldGeneral Programmes
DORNHACKL LenaStructural Programmes
DWORAK SabineThematic Programmes
DYL KamilAudit Unit
EBERLEIN LisaStructural Programmes
ECKHART ErwinAudit Unit
EDER JakobStrategy Unit, Data Analysis and Business Development
EDER KatharinaAudit Unit
EDER VerenaThematic Programmes
EGERTH-STADLHUBER HenriettaManagement board
EGGER RenataStructural Programmes
EGGER-FUCHS MonikaEuropean and International Programmes
EHRNLEITNER BirgitThematic Programmes
EICHBERGER StefanStrategy Unit, Data Analysis and Business Development
EICHBERGER VeraThematic Programmes
ENDRES AnnikaEuropean and International Programmes
ENDRES BenediktThematic Programmes
ERNST AlexandraLegal Department
FABES-RIOS Maria IsabelHuman Resources and Organisation
FAUSTNER JuliaStructural Programmes
FELDER KayEuropean and International Programmes
FERTIN AndreasThematic Programmes
FILA KonstanzeAeronautics and Space Agency
FILARETOVA AnnaThematic Programmes
FIRNBERG NicoleStructural Programmes
FISCHER ElisabethAeronautics and Space Agency
FISCHER SilvanOperations Management
FISCHINGER MariaGeneral Programmes
FLANDORFER AstridEuropean and International Programmes
FLEISCHHACKER IngridStructural Programmes
FLEISCHMANN DorisStructural Programmes
FÖRTSCH MichaelThematic Programmes
FRITZER JohannesThematic Programmes
FRÖHLICH Lutz PeterEuropean and International Programmes
FRÜHMANN BernadetteResearch and Development Allowance
GALUSZKA AlexanderStructural Programmes
GANGLMAYER KerstinEuropean and International Programmes
GANSS SarahGeneral Programmes
GASPARONI SaraEuropean and International Programmes
GAVRILOVIC AnastasijaThematic Programmes
GEISLER AndreasAeronautics and Space Agency
GEISSLER AndreasThematic Programmes
GEIST ThomasAeronautics and Space Agency
GESSL ChristianGeneral Programmes
GEYER GerdaThematic Programmes
GHAFOURIAN TannazStructural Programmes
GLECHNER AlexanderAudit Unit
GLEIXNER TanjaAudit Unit
GLENCK EmmanuelThematic Programmes
GNETH-PÖLTL AlexanderThematic Programmes
GÖD FlorianGeneral Programmes
GOLLNER ChristophEuropean and International Programmes
GÖSCHL Marie-LuiseGeneral Programmes
GOSSAR SonjaStructural Programmes
GRBAVAC SrdjanOperations Management
GROSSBERGER KatrinGeneral Programmes
GRUBER ElisabethGeneral Programmes
GRUBER KatharinaResearch and Development Allowance
GRUBER LarissaEuropean and International Programmes
GUTZELNIG SolveigEuropean and International Programmes
HAAS MargitThematic Programmes
HAAS PatrickOperations Management
HABERL InesEuropean and International Programmes
HACKL DanielaEuropean and International Programmes
HAFIZOVIC DinoThematic Programmes
HAHN ArminGeneral Programmes
HAHN SabineGeneral Programmes
HAINDL ClaudiaAeronautics and Space Agency
HAJICEK ElisabethEuropean and International Programmes
HALDER JanineEuropean and International Programmes
HALVER ManfredEuropean and International Programmes
Hammel ElisaThematic Programmes
HAMMER SophieStrategy Unit, Data Analysis and Business Development
HARTMANN OlafThematic Programmes
HASCHEK JürgenOperations Management
HASLINGER PeterOperations Management
HAUER MichaelaStructural Programmes
HAUMANN JoachimStructural Programmes
HEIDINGER KarolinaEuropean and International Programmes
HEITZLHOFER TheresaThematic Programmes
HENNINGER UlrikeAudit Unit
HERBER ErichStructural Programmes
Hermann SvenjaThematic Programmes
HERRMANN AndreasAudit Unit
HERRMANN SandraEuropean and International Programmes
HERZAN MarvinStrategy Unit, Data Analysis and Business Development
HESS-WIJAYA AndreaGeneral Programmes
HINDLER MichaelGeneral Programmes
HINTLER KlausThematic Programmes
HIPFINGER AnitaThematic Programmes
HOCHREITER HaraldStrategy Unit, Data Analysis and Business Development
HOEBERTZ AstridEuropean and International Programmes
HOFFMANN AndreaEuropean and International Programmes
HOFMANN-TUREK ClaudiaResearch and Development Allowance
HOLLAUS KarinThematic Programmes
HÖLLEBRAND DavidStrategy Unit, Data Analysis and Business Development
HOLZNER GabrielThematic Programmes
HOLZWEBER AlexanderOperations Management
HOPP ChristianLegal Department
HORAK PatriziaThematic Programmes
HORTAI AndreaAudit Unit
HORVATH GünterGeneral Programmes
HOSKOVEC NataschaCorporate Finances
HUBER YlvaEuropean and International Programmes
HUBICH ElkeStructural Programmes
HUDECEK MartinAudit Unit
HUDSON-BUSHART LisaEuropean and International Programmes
HÜGELSBERGER HenrikeStrategy Unit, Data Analysis and Business Development
HÜTTMAIR SophiaLegal Department
IDERZAEV IslamThematic Programmes
IGLER AngelikaCorporate Communications
ILIC IrenaGeneral Programmes
IMBEAU CarolineOperations Management
INCE DogaStrategy Unit, Data Analysis and Business Development
INDRA KatrinStructural Programmes
INDRICH AndreaOperations Management
INGERLE ChristianeStructural Programmes
IONITA Cosmin-GabrielOperations Management
IRRAN Theresia-MariaGeneral Programmes
JÄHRIG SimoneEuropean and International Programmes
JAKES ChristaAudit Unit
JAKOVLJEVIC NemanjaOperations Management
JANCO JozefThematic Programmes
JERETIC ManuelaGeneral Programmes
JEZEK ValentinaGeneral Programmes
JILKA MartinaAudit Unit
JIRU MonikaStructural Programmes
JOACHIMSTHALER KarinThematic Programmes
JOKOVIC DanielAeronautics and Space Agency
JOKSIMOVIC TijanaStructural Programmes
JÖRG LeonhardStrategy Unit, Data Analysis and Business Development
JOVANOVIC PredragGeneral Programmes
KAEFER-VANDAEL KarolaEuropean and International Programmes
KANTOR WalterThematic Programmes
KASSMANNHUBER LucasLegal Department
KEFER AlexanderEuropean and International Programmes
KERN GeraldEuropean and International Programmes
KERSCHBAUMMAYR EngelbertThematic Programmes
KERSCHL PeterThematic Programmes
KINDLER AndreaEuropean and International Programmes
KIRCHBERGER ThomasCorporate Finances
KIRSCHNER TheresaStructural Programmes
KLAFFENBÖCK ElisabethAeronautics and Space Agency
KLAMING GabrieleEuropean and International Programmes
KLAUSER VerenaThematic Programmes
KLAUZER AnjaEuropean and International Programmes
KLEPIC VukasinThematic Programmes
KLETECKA AlenaGeneral Programmes
KLIMON BarbaraStructural Programmes
KLOCK SarahLegal Department
KLONK JeannetteEuropean and International Programmes
KNAUS ReginaGeneral Programmes
KNEISSL VictoriaAudit Unit
KNIE JuliaAeronautics and Space Agency
KOCH FelixLegal Department
KONDRATIEVA TatianaGeneral Programmes
KÖNIG RalfEuropean and International Programmes
KOPIC SonjaStructural Programmes
KORNTNER ReginaOperations Management
KOSZ AlexanderManagement board
KOVAC AndreasOperations Management
KRASNY MonikaGeneral Programmes
KRAUSE MiraThematic Programmes
KRAUTGASSER-STEIDL HaraldThematic Programmes
KREMNITZER SabineThematic Programmes
KREUTER ChristineStructural Programmes
KRISTO SnjezanaStructural Programmes
KROIS LinusEuropean and International Programmes
KRSTANOVIC LejlaCorporate Finances
KUHN AlexandraThematic Programmes
KULOGLU AsliCorporate Finances
KUNZ BarbaraStructural Programmes
KURASCH StefanieGeneral Programmes
KURZWEIL KarinEuropean and International Programmes
KÜSSLER GabrieleGeneral Programmes
KÜTTEL OrsolyaEuropean and International Programmes
KUTTNER PaulThematic Programmes
LAIMGRUBER SilviaStructural Programmes
LANG MarleneStrategy Unit, Data Analysis and Business Development
LATA RafaelStrategy Unit, Data Analysis and Business Development
LEIDERMANN KonstantinOperations Management
LEIHS DietrichThematic Programmes
LEITHNER ThomasEuropean and International Programmes
LEMBACHER HenryGeneral Programmes
LENGYEL AnitaCorporate Finances
LEOPOLD MartinaOperations Management
LEOVAC MagdalenaStrategy Unit, Data Analysis and Business Development
LEUTGEB LukasThematic Programmes
LIKIC MersihaOperations Management
LINDAHL ThereseEuropean and International Programmes
LINDNER LydiaEuropean and International Programmes
LÖFFLER ChristineAudit Unit
LOHWASSER BarbaraStructural Programmes
LOICHT SiegfriedEuropean and International Programmes
LÖSCHNAUER MariaStrategy Unit, Data Analysis and Business Development
LOSEK TeresaThematic Programmes
LUGSCHEIDER NicoleThematic Programmes
MÄHRENBACH HelfriedThematic Programmes
MANDL ChristophCorporate Communications
MARCOLEONI ElisaThematic Programmes
MARINKOVIC InesEuropean and International Programmes
MARKOVIC IgorOperations Management
MATIC RosaEuropean and International Programmes
MAYER SabineStrategy Unit, Data Analysis and Business Development
MAYER StephanAeronautics and Space Agency
MAYERHOFER IreneEuropean and International Programmes
MAYR VeraGeneral Programmes
MEIER LindaThematic Programmes
MEISSL ChristineStructural Programmes
MEISSNER-DRAGOSITS SusanneEuropean and International Programmes
MERKL AdelheidStructural Programmes
MEYER ChristaAudit Unit
MIKHNO LyubovCorporate Finances
MIKULIK MarionAudit Unit
MITISKA Tamara-KatharinaEuropean and International Programmes
MOHAMMAD RuandozGeneral Programmes
MORGENBESSER MaximilianThematic Programmes
MOSER EvaThematic Programmes
MÜHLBERGER IrmgardResearch and Development Allowance
MÜLLER WernerGeneral Programmes
MUSSNIG VerenaThematic Programmes
NARBESHUBER-SPLETZER HjördisStructural Programmes
NAUSNER MiraOperations Management
NEMEC MadelaineStrategy Unit, Data Analysis and Business Development
NEUSCHMID JuliaThematic Programmes
NGUYEN BudionoStructural Programmes
NICKOL JasmoGeneral Programmes
NIKLFELD GeorgThematic Programmes
NIKOLOV NoraStructural Programmes
NIKOWITZ FabienneThematic Programmes
NOLL MargitEuropean and International Programmes
NUZZO AngeloEuropean and International Programmes
OBEREDER LisaStrategy Unit, Data Analysis and Business Development
OBERTHALER PaulineEuropean and International Programmes
OPPEL ChristineHuman Resources and Organisation
OUN IngaThematic Programmes
PALATIN JudithOperations Management
PASOVIC MarkusThematic Programmes
PAULISCHIN LucasStructural Programmes
PECHARDA ChristianThematic Programmes
PEMPEL SebastianOperations Management
PERIC DanielCorporate Finances
PETER AndreAeronautics and Space Agency
PETRACS MartinaAudit Unit
PFLÜGL TeresaStructural Programmes
PLATTER ChristineThematic Programmes
POLAK HaraldGeneral Programmes
POPBERGER MartinaHuman Resources and Organisation
PRABITZ MatthisCorporate Communications
PRAMBERGER DanielThematic Programmes
PRÖLL-SCHOBEL MarkusStructural Programmes
PROSKE MarkusThematic Programmes
PÜLS JeremiasThematic Programmes
PURKARTHOFER ERICHEuropean and International Programmes
PURNS VictoriaOperations Management
PUTZ AndreaGeneral Programmes
PUTZ IngridStrategy Unit, Data Analysis and Business Development
RADINSKY VerenaLegal Department
RAINER AndreaStructural Programmes
RAINER MarleneEuropean and International Programmes
RATHKOLB KarinLegal Department
RATHUSKY StefanieStructural Programmes
RAUSCHER AndreaStrategy Unit, Data Analysis and Business Development
REIF LilEuropean and International Programmes
REISCHL PeterCorporate Finances
REISENAUER GudrunEuropean and International Programmes
REISHOFER MartinStructural Programmes
REITERER AlexanderGeneral Programmes
REITHOFER SusanneOperations Management
REPP ReingardStructural Programmes
RESCH JenniferThematic Programmes
RIEF VERNAY BarbaraStructural Programmes
RIEGLER JohannesEuropean and International Programmes
RIEHS-SCHLÖGL KatjaEuropean and International Programmes
RIMPLER MelanieAudit Unit
RINKE Anna-MariaStructural Programmes
RISAVY RomanThematic Programmes
RISTANIC DanielaThematic Programmes
ROBIEN BrigitteGeneral Programmes
RÖBLREITER ThomasEuropean and International Programmes
ROESKY LarsOperations Management
ROHOWETZ HansEuropean and International Programmes
ROSTKOWSKA-MÜLLNER MagdalenaStructural Programmes
RUDORFER AndreaResearch and Development Allowance
RUHLAND SaschaEuropean and International Programmes
SACHSENHOFER SimonStructural Programmes
SÄCKL JosefStrategy Unit, Data Analysis and Business Development
SAEZ CORTES AlexisOperations Management
SAIB MaamarGeneral Programmes
SALET PascalOperations Management
SALZER PeterOperations Management
SAURER AndreaAudit Unit
SAUTNER HeidelindeGeneral Programmes
SAVOV KonstantinGeneral Programmes
SCHAFFLER-GLÖSSL SonjaThematic Programmes
SCHECK JohannaEuropean and International Programmes
SCHEER JohannesThematic Programmes
SCHEUCHER JosefStructural Programmes
SCHLICK HorstGeneral Programmes
SCHMATZ JacquelineStrategy Unit, Data Analysis and Business Development
SCHMIDT DorisGeneral Programmes
SCHMIED StephanieLegal Department
SCHÖFBECK DeniseStructural Programmes
SCHÖFNAGEL HeidrunHuman Resources and Organisation
SCHÖRGHOFER PeterGeneral Programmes
SCHREITL MatthiasAeronautics and Space Agency
SCHREMMER VeraOperations Management
SCHWALM Janine NatalieEuropean and International Programmes
SCHWARZ AndreasOperations Management
SCHWENDENWEIN GeraldOperations Management
SCHWENDTNER KarolinaThematic Programmes
SCHWENZNER MarinaStrategy Unit, Data Analysis and Business Development
SEBALD MarisaEuropean and International Programmes
SEMMELROCK ChristianThematic Programmes
SEN SedanurHuman Resources and Organisation
SHADRINA AnnaGeneral Programmes
SHALA KreshnikOperations Management
SIEGESLEITNER EvaStructural Programmes
SLAVICEK DagmarThematic Programmes
SMETACZEK StefanThematic Programmes
SOKUR VladyslavThematic Programmes
SORKO JuliaManagement board
SPAHOVIC EdvinGeneral Programmes
SPORK PamelaAeronautics and Space Agency
STADLER AndreaCorporate Finances
STAKNE AstridStructural Programmes
STAMBERA PhilippCorporate Communications
STANGL RobertCorporate Finances
STARK ErichCorporate Finances
STARZER OttoStructural Programmes
STEFAN SusanneAudit Unit
STEFFL ThomasThematic Programmes
STEGMÜLLER AbigailEuropean and International Programmes
STEIGBERGER ElisabethStructural Programmes
STEINBACH JulianeHuman Resources and Organisation
STEININGER BirgitEuropean and International Programmes
STICH ElisabethThematic Programmes
STIDL StefanOperations Management
STÖGER ErnestineCorporate Finances
STÖGER Lisa-MariaEuropean and International Programmes
STÖGERER JohannesThematic Programmes
STOHL MarliesStrategy Unit, Data Analysis and Business Development
STRASSER ChristaManagement board
STRASSER PaulThematic Programmes
STREHL AmreiGeneral Programmes
STRICKNER ClemensThematic Programmes
STRUSKA HeinzThematic Programmes
STURM BarbaraResearch and Development Allowance
SUMMERAUER StefanieCorporate Communications
TAUBER BirgitGeneral Programmes
TAUSZ KarinManagement board
THOMANN NinaEuropean and International Programmes
THOMASBERGER MaximilianStrategy Unit, Data Analysis and Business Development
THOMPSON ElisabethEuropean and International Programmes
TICHY AgataThematic Programmes
TOPA MateuszResearch and Development Allowance
TRAUNFELLNER Marie KatharineEuropean and International Programmes
TRINKL PatriciaEuropean and International Programmes
TROGER CorneliaHuman Resources and Organisation
TSCHOLL AlexandraStructural Programmes
TZATZANIS MichalisEuropean and International Programmes
TZATZANIS-STEPANOVIC BozicaEuropean and International Programmes
van HOESEL TheresaEuropean and International Programmes
VIERBAUCH DorisThematic Programmes
VORBRODT STELZER SibylleLegal Department
VRBANEC NenadHuman Resources and Organisation
WACKER AlexanderStrategy Unit, Data Analysis and Business Development
WAGNER FloraHuman Resources and Organisation
WALCH MichaelEuropean and International Programmes
WALLNER RobertAudit Unit
WALTER JohannaGeneral Programmes
WARTAK AndreasStructural Programmes
WEDENIG ClaudioEuropean and International Programmes
WEHOFER CarmenThematic Programmes
WEICHHART MatthiasGeneral Programmes
WEIKERT KatharinaStructural Programmes
WEINMAYR MathiasThematic Programmes
WEISS RobertAudit Unit
WEISSMANN JosephineStrategy Unit, Data Analysis and Business Development
WEISSMAYER RomanaGeneral Programmes
WIESER AngelaEuropean and International Programmes
WILDBERGER AndreasOperations Management
WILFLING MartinGeneral Programmes
WILHELM PolinaThematic Programmes
WILKEN CorinnaGeneral Programmes
WILLINGER AlexandraAudit Unit
WINDHOLZ BeateStructural Programmes
WLCEK KatrinStructural Programmes
WÖBER ThomasThematic Programmes
WOLLMANN DagmarThematic Programmes
WOREL RobertEuropean and International Programmes
ZACHERL FelicitasLegal Department
ZADRAZIL SophieThematic Programmes
ZEC ValentinaLegal Department
ZECHNER MariaHuman Resources and Organisation
ZEHETGRUBER ChristineThematic Programmes
ZEILINGER ReinhardGeneral Programmes
ZELLNER MarleneGeneral Programmes
ZERGOI ThomasEuropean and International Programmes
ZIMMERMANN MichaelEuropean and International Programmes
ZIZAK AdelinaHuman Resources and Organisation
ZUSER JohannaOperations Management