Endowed professorship

The establishment of endowed professorships is designed to strengthen important areas of knowledge for Austria’s innovation system and contribute to promoting cooperation between science and industry. The Austrian Federal Ministry of Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK) as funding body supports endowed professorships in relevant research areas that are characterised by substantial academic expertise but still show some gaps. Endowed professorships are meant to strengthen R&D structures and to engage research capacity and human potential for Austrian companies.

Endowed professors build bridges by connecting industry and academia and give universities room to make their mark, to open up new research areas and to respond to current trends. They meet industry’s demand for highly trained experts and cooperation partners at the universities and they enhance the overall attractiveness of Austria as a research location.

Companies benefit in the long term from the sustained development of human potential in areas that are of strategic relevance to them. An endowed professorship has a positive impact on a company’s image and helps harness commitment from qualified young researchers

Universities in accordance with Sec 6 UG 2002 and DUK-Gesetz 2004 are eligible for funding. Applications must be submitted by one Austrian university. The university is required to establish sustainable structures (i.e. structures that remain in place beyond the funding period). The process to be followed in the appointment procedure is specified in the Austrian Universities Act.

The essentiell in brief

Initiative für
Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology


RINKE Anna-Maria
Anna-Maria RINKE
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The Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) is the national funding institution for industry-related research and development in Austria. FFG funding plays a key role in generating new knowledge, developing new products and services, and thereby becoming more competitive in the global market.
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