European Technology Platforms

European Technology Platforms (ETPs) are initiatives which are particularly aimed at industry and offer interesting opportunities for international networking. By participating in an ETP, stakeholders can cooperate to help shape the future of European research and deliver on agreed priorities. ETPs generally differ from one another not only in their key topics but also often in terms of structure and size.

The key functions of ETPs:

  • developing strategies and identifying weaknesses in the areas of research and innovation from an industry perspective,
  • mobilising stakeholders and fostering cooperation as well as
  • sharing and disseminating information and knowledge.

ETPs focus on strategic issues of major importance in terms of future European growth, competitiveness and sustainability that depend on major technological advances. They play a key role in defining European research priorities through the development of strategic research agendas to better meet the needs of industry. The establishment of European technology platforms aims to bring together the most important actors or stakeholders in a research field – industry, administration, scientists, SMEs and end users – to ensure long-term cooperation. This broad collaboration allows covering the entire spectrum of the value chain in order to foster the joint vision for future technological development. 

ETPs generally differ from one another not only in their key topics but also often in terms of structure and size.

They are clustered under the following categories:




Production and Process




Information and Communications Technologies


Bio-Based Economy

ETPs are industry-led fora made up of private and public stakeholders, which develop research and innovation agendas and roadmaps for activities in the relevant sector. The European Commission considers ETPs as having an advisory role in the implementation of Horizon 2020.

The essentiell in brief

Open Verfügbarkeit
01.01.2014 - 31.12.2020
Initiative für
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), Large companies, Universities, Universities of applied sciences, Competence centres, Research facilities, Single researchers, Start Up, (Non-profit) Associations, Authorities, Multipliers / Intermediaries


LOICHT Siegfried
DI Siegfried LOICHT
+43 577 554 304 E-Mail senden

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The Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) is the national funding institution for industry-related research and development in Austria. FFG funding plays a key role in generating new knowledge, developing new products and services, and thereby becoming more competitive in the global market.
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