Industrial PhD

The programm Industrial PhD was financed by the National Foundation for Research, Technology and Development, the Austria Fund and the Future Austria Fund until 2023. Since 2023, Industrial PhD projects are supported by the Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK).

An industrial PhD is a project that deals with a scientific or technical research question. The project is carried out in cooperation between a company or a non-university research institution, a university and a doctoral candidate. The doctoral candidate is employed by a company or a non-university research institution, is integrated into the organisation and supported in the project. A clear benefit for the career development of the doctoral candidate is of high importance.


Programme Objectives

  • structurally improve the availability of excellently trained research staff in natural sciences and technology for the Austrian industry 
  • facilitate the entry into research careers outside the science system and open up new career paths
  • systematise and deepen existing cooperative relationships between science and the industry
  • Improve career opportunities for women in science and technology


Currently open call:

Industrienahe Dissertationen 2024 (Industrial PhD)

Call period: March 1st 2024 – February 28th 2025; on-going submission during the call period 
If the funding is exhausted before February 28th 2025, the call will be closed before the scheduled end (completely, or for individual call topics). 
The call is supported by the BMK and explicitly addresses the call topics: energy transition, mobility transition, circular economy and production technologies, climate-neutral city, space and aviation technology, digital and key technologies and AI for green. 
Funding is available for industry-related PhD projects in companies with research and development activities in science and technology as well as in non-university research institutions - max. 3 funded projects per organisation

The essentials in brief

Program Owner / Sponsor Österreich Fonds Nationalstiftung für Forschung, Technologie und Entwicklung BMK - Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology
Project type
Submission with a proposal process
Target group companies/enterprises with ongoing research and development activities in the natural sciences or technology, located in Austria
Selection by External experts and BP advisory board
What is being funded Funding is available for industry-related PhD projects that address a scientific or technical research question in a company or a non-university research institution.
Min. / max. funding EUR 0,00 / EUR 100.000,00
Min. / max. running time 24 - 36 months
Availability from 01.01.2019 - constantly


T 0043577552308
T 0043577552311
Anna-Maria RINKE
Anna-Maria RINKE
T 0043577552108