Australian-Austrian research cooperation „Net-Zero Industries“

Expression of interest for transnational R&D projects on greenhouse gas neutrality in energy-intensive industry

On September 23, 2022, Austria launched the "Net-Zero Industries" mission together with Australia. The goal of the mission-innovation partnership is to advance international research collaborations for the development and demonstration of key technologies for the energy transition in industry by 2030. China, Germany, the European Union, the United Kingdom, Canada, South Korea and Finland are on board as core members. The Climate and Energy Fund coordinates the activities on behalf of the BMK.

Experts and stakeholders are invited to submit an expression of interest for joint Australian-Austrian research and development (R&D) projects to by April 28, 2023.

The R&D project should contribute to the reduction or elimination of greenhouse gas emissions in energy-intensive industrial sectors and should be in the research category Experimental Development (TRL > 5). The cooperation should generate significant added value for the participants of both countries (e.g., improved knowledge base, access to R&D infrastructures, new fields of application).

The transnational consortium should consist of two or more participants, of which at least one is a Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SME) or a research institution. Both, collaborations among companies, and collaborations between companies and research institutions are possible. At least one funded company must be represented in the transnational consortium.

Funds in the order of EUR 4 Mio. are budgeted for potential bilateral research cooperations. Per Austrian participation, funding of between EUR 100.000,- and 700.000,- is envisioned.

The outcome of this expression of interest survey will serve as a basis for the KLIEN to concretize a possible transnational R&D tender in the energy-intensive industry sector.

Submitting an expression of interest is voluntary, non-binding and without influence on a possible later participation in the call or in the funding program itself. The submission of an expression of interest does not imply any eligibility for funding. A call for proposals in the thematic area of "Net-Zero Industries" to promote research cooperation between Australia and Austria will only take place if there is sufficient interest.

Important note: Please use the form provided in the download center for the expression of interest!


Expression of interest form "Net-zero industries"

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