Presentations & Documents:
Open Access to scientific publications (Annex 5, Article 17 Grant Agreement (GA))
Open Access means the online access to research outputs provided free of charge to the end-user.
In Horizon Europe, publication fees for peer-reviewed scientific publications are eligible only for full open access publication venues, meaning immediate open access to these publications (Please note: so-called "embargo periods" as in Horizon 2020 are not permitted!). Also hybrid journals are not eligible, as they do not ensure immediate open access.
Additionally, at least at the time of publication, a machine-readable electronic copy of the publication or the final peer-reviewed manuscript accepted for publication must be deposited in a trusted repository for scientific publications.
Helpful websites: OpenAIRE, Registry of Open Access Repositories (ROAR), Directory of Open Access Repositories (OpenDOAR), Zenodo
Besides the scientific publication itself, further information about any research output or any other tools and instruments needed to validate the scientific publication must be given.
The costs for open access publications are eligible, as long as they occur during the action duration. Costs occuring after the end of the action may not be financed via the project budget.
Open access does not mean any obligation for publishing. Therefore, the open access obligation does not contradict the granting of a patent or confidentiality of research output.
Open Research Europe
The European Commission provides an own open access publishing platform for scientific publications originating from Horizon 2020 as well as Horizon Europe actions on a voluntary level (Please note: It is not a repository!). It should facilitate compliance of the beneficiaries with open access obligations and offer a rapid and transparent publishing option for all thematic areas.
Detailed information can be found under "Open Research Europe".
A video tutorial can be found on Youtube.
Research Data Management (Annex 5, Article 17 Grant Agreement (GA))
Digital research data generated in the action must be managed in line with the FAIR principles (findability, accessibility, interoperability, reusability).
A "Data Management Plan (DMP)" must be set up and updated regularly. This plan must contain the deadlines for the deposit of research data in a trusted repository. These research data must be published open access as soon as possible via this repository.
Besides the research data itself, further information about any research output or any other tools and instruments needed to re-use or validate the research output must be given.
Helpful websites:, Zenodo
Further Information can be found ...