Innovation Labs & Maker Spaces

Infrastructure for Open Innovation

The Innovation Labs & Maker Spaces funding programme is a structural contribution to the aims of the Open Innovation Strategy (2016). The programme funds the establishment of innovation workshops offering an innovative environment with both physical and intangible infrastructure. They enable new groups to be involved and mobilised in innovative activities, and act as local, interactive spaces for communication.

Possible forms of Innovation Labs & Maker Spaces:
  • They offer a real-world development environment with the necessary physical and intangible RTI infrastructure to enable innovative projects and/or to translate ideas or research results into marketable products and services.
  • They support access for new users (e.g. trades, teachers).
  • They promote the creation and expansion of innovation expertise and knowledge exchange.
  • They provide many user groups with transparent and non-discriminatory access.
  • They are designed to be long-term, and can be funded for up to 5 years. During this time they are intended to support innovative businesses, research establishments and other user groups (e.g. schools, private individuals, non-commercial organisations) in their efforts to innovate.
Innovation Labs & Maker Spaces are not:
  • existing project clusters
  • pure project offices
  • highly standardised test environments used as part of approval procedures, e.g. clinical studies 


The essentials in brief

Program Owner / Sponsor BMAW - Federal Ministry for Labour and Economy Nationalstiftung für Forschung, Technologie und Entwicklung
Project type
Target group Legal entities, partnerships and sole traders that are not part of the federal administration are in principle eligible to participate as consortium partners. The following are eligible for funding: (i) companies of any legal form, (ii) institutions of research and knowledge dissemination: universities and universities of applied sciences, non-university research institutions, technology transfer institutions, innovation agents and other research-oriented organisations such as associations with a relevant purpose, (iii) other non-commercial institutions: local authorities and autonomous bodies, non-profit making organisations such as NPOs
What is being funded FFG funds the set-up of infrastructure as well as the operating expenses of a makerspace with up to 50% of the total costs.
Min. / max. funding 0 / up to one million € within 5 years
Which costs are eligible for funding? personnel costs, costs of infrastructure, costs of materials, third-party costs, travel costs without overhead costs
Min. / max. running time 60 - 60 months
Availability from 08.02.2017 - 30.03.2017


Mag. (FH) Barbara LOHWASSER
Mag. (FH) Barbara LOHWASSER
T 0043577552201
Mag. Brigitte BEDNAR MBA BSc
Mag. Brigitte BEDNAR MBA BSc
T 0043577552410

Additional Information