Joint Programming Initiatives = sectionBottom" :style="isSticky ? `padding-top: ${sectionHeight}px;` : ''" class="relative"> On this page Info Contact Joint Programming Initiatives (JPI) coordinate national research areas and launch joint calls providing the opportunity to cooperate at a European level. The aim of the joint programming process is to pool national research efforts in order to make better use of Europe's research and development resources and tackle common European challenges more effectively. These initiatives address key societal challenges such as climate change, energy and food security, and healthy aging, which cannot be solved at the national level alone. They are designed to pool the limited resources for research and development and leverage complementary expertise. Funding for the Joint Programming Initiatives largely comes from the participating Member States. The European Commission supports the establishment of organisational structures for individual initiatives in the form of Coordination and Support Actions (CSA). The 10 Joint Programming Initiatives The Member States are free to participate in any of the Joint Programming Initiatives to find a joint solution to a problem or achieve a joint goal. JPI Urban Europe – Global Urban Challenges, Joint European Solutions JPI Neurodegenerative Disease Research (JPND) JPI Agriculture, Food Security and Climate Change (FACCE) JPI A Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life (HDHL) JPI Connecting Climate Knowledge for Europe (CLIMATE) JPI More Years, Better Lives – The Potentials and Challenges of Demographic Change (MYBL) JPI Water Challenges for a Changing World JPI Cultural Heritage and Global Change: A New Challenge for Europe JPI Healthy and Productive Seas and Oceans (Austria does not participate) JPI The Microbial Challenge – An Emerging Threat to Human Health (Austria does not participate) For more information check the respective website of the JPI. The essentiell in brief Open Verfügbarkeit 01.01.2014 - 31.12.2020 Initiative für Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), Large companies, Universities, Universities of applied sciences, Competence centres, Research facilities, (Non-profit) Associations, Authorities, Multipliers / Intermediaries Geldgeber Kontakt DI Thomas ZERGOI +43 577 554 201 E-Mail senden DI Johannes BOCKSTEFL +43 577 555 042 E-Mail senden Dr. Michalis TZATZANIS +43 577 554 405 E-Mail senden Dr. Astrid HOEBERTZ +43 577 554 104 E-Mail senden Dr. Margit NOLL MBA +43 577 554 001 E-Mail senden More information EC: Joint Programming Learn more ERA Portal: Joint Programming Map Learn more Partnership Initiatives Learn more About the FFG The Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) is the national funding institution for industry-related research and development in Austria. FFG funding plays a key role in generating new knowledge, developing new products and services, and thereby becoming more competitive in the global market. Learn more Stay connected Every week, you will receive an update from the FFG in your inbox. Of course, you can unsubscribe from our newsletter at any time. Your e-mail address