Frontrunner - Funding, Guidelines

Substantial contributions of companies to climate and environmental protection as well as digital and sustainable transformation

"Frontrunner" is aimed at internationally active companies that hold a technological frontrunner position or are on the verge of achieving it. Funding is provided for research and development projects that are embedded in an aggressive business field strategy. "Green Frontrunner" projects also address environmental and climate protection challenges. "Transformative Frontrunner" projects should make a substantial contribution to the digital and sustainable transformation of the economy. Submission is possible at any time. "Frontrunner" is aimed at internationally active companies that hold a technological frontrunner position or are currently on the verge of achieving it. Funding is provided for research and development projects that are embedded in an aggressive business field strategy. "Green Frontrunner" projects also address environmental and climate protection challenges. "Transformative Frontrunner" projects are intended to make a substantial contribution to the digital and sustainable transformation of the economy.

What is a frontrunner strategy all about?

The research and development (R&D) project must be embedded in an aggressive business unit strategy.

  • Technology and innovation leadership: The business unit strategy focuses on the development of new products, processes or service innovations. The focus is on strategies that differentiate themselves from the competition, for example, through higher quality. This results in high growth potential on international markets.

What are the goals of Frontrunner support?

  • Green Frontrunner: Internationally oriented R&D projects with a focus on climate and environmental protection.
  • Transformative Frontrunner: Internationally oriented R&D projects with a substantial contribution to the digital and sustainable transformation of the economy.
Variants Green Frontrunner Transformative Frontrunner

What characterizes the R&D projects?

The projects

  • have an aggressive frontrunner strategy (European and international top position to be established in R&D project)
  • have a clear, positive climate and environmental impact
  • pursue a plausible environmental strategy

The projects

  • have an aggressive frontrunner strategy (European and international top position to be established in R&D project)
  • make a substantial contribution to the digital and sustainable transformation of the economy in the focus topics in line with the corporate strategy


What are further, special eligibility criteria?

For the evaluation of Frontrunner projects, the criteria of the guideline for projects of experimental development apply. Submitted research and development projects (R&D projects) are expected to meet high standards in terms of innovation content, technical risk, and the benefits of the development. A high economic risk of the project is evaluated positively in terms of the Frontrunner call. The evaluation point of the Frontrunner positioning or the Frontrunner strategy is also specific to this initiative.

The essentials in brief

Program Owner / Sponsor BMK - Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology BMAW - Federal Ministry for Labour and Economy FFG - Austrian Research Promotion Agency
Project type
Submission possible anytime
Target group SME, Large enterprises, Startups
Selection by Evaluations are conducted by experts of the FFG. Evaluations are conducted via swift approval processes and are based on the FFG-scoreboard. Throughout the whole funding time the project will be monitored to permit the most efficient progress.
What is being funded Funding is provided in the form of a non-repayable grant. Typically for large companies 25 %, medium companies 35 % and small companies 45 % of project costs. "Frontrunner" projects are usually "single firm" projects, so there is no provision for collaboration bonification, as there is in the General Programme, for example.
Min. / max. funding 0 / max. € 3 mill.
Which costs are eligible for funding? Includes all expenses and charges which are incurred directly, in reality and additionally (to the usual operational expenses) for the duration of the funded research activities (i.e. no earlier than when the application is received by the FFG). Funding is provided for personnel costs, investments in research infrastructure and other costs (third party services, material costs, travel costs, patent application costs).
Min. / max. running time 24 - 36 months
Availability from 23.02.2023 - constantly


T 0043577551507
Gabriele KÜSSLER
Gabriele KÜSSLER
T 0043577551504

Additional Information