Under what circumstances is an amendment necessary?
Among others, in the following cases:
- Removal/Addition of a beneficiary
- Change of the coordinator (with or without his/her agreement)
- Changes relating to "affiliated entities" und/oder "associated partners"
- Premature termination or suspension of the project
- Changes to options in the GA
- substantial or important changes to Annex 1 (changes of action name/acronym/duration, significant changes of tasks etc.)
- Changes to Annex 2 requiring the approval of the European Commission/funding agency
Please note that the minimum conditions for participation must continue to be met after the amendment.
When are amendments of the Grant Agreement not necessary?
If the data (name, legal form, address etc.) of an organisation change, they must be updated by the LEAR (Legal Entity Appointed Representative) of the organisation in the Funding & Tender Opportunities Portal.
Budget transfers will only require an amendment to be made if they also involve “substantial or important changes” to the project description (Annex 1). In the event of unplanned subcontracts and in-kind contributions by third parties the beneficiary may choose between an amendment or subsequent recognition at his/her own risk.
What is the amendment process?
The amendment is requested and processed in a paperless form in the Funding & Tender Opportunities Portal. They are usually initiated by the consortium, but there may also be amendments requested by the European Commission/funding agency.
Once the decisions have been made within the consortium (according to the Consortium Agreement), the coordinator submits an "Amendment Request". The EU Commission/funding agency must respond to the request within 45 days. It may
- accept the request (“Acceptance”);
- reject the request (“Rejection”), if no response is received within the set time, the request is also considered to be rejected, or
- request additional information and/or extend the deadline to check the request in more detail.
Every "Amendment Request" is treated as a package which can only be accepted or rejected as a whole (if this is not desired separate requests must be submitted). The "Amendment Request" cannot be altered once it has been submitted. Amendments enter into force on the day they are signed electronically. They take effect either on that day or at another date agreed between the parties (including retroactively).
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