The term “legal entity” is deemed to include both legal persons and natural persons (e.g. sole proprietors).
Eventual additional beneficiaries beyond the minimum conditions mentioned above are not subject to the obligatory criteria (i.e. they must not necessarily be independent from each other or rather domicile in different EU Member States/associated countries).
For certain project types such as e.g. ERC projects, MSCA projects, EIC projects, Coordination and Support Actions (CSA) or co-financing actions, specific conditions for participation apply.
Legal entities may participate as non-beneficiaries/third parties (i.e. subcontractors, contractors, affiliated entities, associated partners, in-kind contributors, financial support to third parties) regardless of their domicile as long as the Rules for Participation, those of the work programme and the call conditions are complied with.
The work programme and/or the relevant call document may specify deviating or additional conditions for individual calls (e.g. concerning the number and type of project participants and their domicile).
Detailed information about participation and eligibility of participants from third countries can be found at Horizon Europe: Ausweitung der Beteiligung und Verbreitung von Exzellenz (in German only).
Please note that the minimum conditions for participation must continue to be fulfilled when beneficiaries terminate their participation in the project during the project lifetime!
Beneficiaries not receiving EU funding
These are beneficiaries, which …
The estimated costs of these beneficiaries need to be indicated in the project budget (Annex 2), but will not be reimbursed and will not be taken into account for the calculation of the grant amount.
Please note: If such beneficiaries become eligible for funding during the project, they may in principle request funding as from their eligibility (an amendment is necessary). As this does not increase the maximum grant amount, the other beneficiaries need to reallocate the project budget in order to free part of the project budget.
Detailed information