Horizon 2020: Legal and financial questions

From application to final reporting: legal and financial questions arise throughout an EU project. Familiarising yourself with the relevant regulations is essential for the smooth running of a research project.



For basic legal and financial questions as well as questions concerning the Funding & Tenders Opportunities Portal please contact your thematic NCP, the grant service unit of your university or the contact persons in your not university related research organisation.

For specific legal and financial questions, please contact the legal & financial team of the department "European and Internationale Programmes" (see topic "Contact"). We will guide you the way through the maze of rules and regulations, by phone, email or in a personal or virtual meeting.


Project Phases

By using the four buttons below, you will be forwarded to thematic pages dealing with the legal and financial aspects of the respective project phase:

Lump Sum

Our services

concerning legal and financial topics in Horizon 2020:


Legal and financial information on the 7th Framework Programme


+43 577 554 008 E-Mail senden
MITISKA Tamara-Katharina
Mag. Tamara-Katharina MITISKA
+43 577 554 009 E-Mail senden

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