Gender dimension in EU programmes

Gender aspects in EU-funded research projects

In European research projects within the Horizon Europe framework programme, gender is considered at three different levels:

  1. Establishing a Gender Equality Plan will become an eligibility criterion for certain types of organisations from EU Member States and Associated Countries.
  2. Integrating the gender dimension into research and innovation content is a standard criterion for awarding funding. Gender-relevant aspects of research are evaluated within the framework of the excellence criterion. This requirement applies to all calls unless the topic description expressly states otherwise.
  3. Increasing the gender balance throughout the programme is another goal. The aim is for women to make up 50% of the membership of boards, expert groups and evaluation committees associated with Horizon Europe. For projects achieving the same score, the gender ratio of the research teams will serve as an additional ranking criterion.

Therefore, applications to the Horizon Europe programme require applicants to describe how the project takes into account the gender dimension (i.e., sex/gender-based analysis). These remarks must be approximately one page in length and can reflect various aspects of the planned project. If applicants are of the opinion that this issue bears no relevance to their project, then they must justify and explain this assumption in writing as part of their application.

Gender requirements for EU-funded projects:

Information on Gender Equality Plans for Horizon Europe projects:

Applicants may receive funding for the development of a Gender Equality Plan as part of a FEMtech Career project.

If you have any further questions about European funding, please contact the FFG in its role as the national contact point.