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10 million euros will be used to support ideas and innovations that bring about major changes in markets, technologies or society, and contribute to a positive future.


Austria as a research location in 2022: Record call volume of 1.9 billion euros


FFG supports the transformation of the Austrian economy. BMAW provides 300 million euros in research funding through to 2026.


Good news for six research institutions in Austria: The European Research Council (ERC) has announced the names of 321 Consolidator Grant award winners in the 2022 call.


Around 6,000 projects have been carried out so far, with an innovation voucher offering entry to the world of research


The BMAW invests more than 8 million euros in targeted funding of research for industry at universities of applied sciences – FFG funds 13 new research projects across Austria


Spin-off Fellowships: Successful start to the extended FFG programme 2022-2026 – almost 5 million euros for eleven projects – more projects submitted and funded than ever before


The European Research Council (ERC) has announced the results of the 2022 Starting Grant call.


European Commission approves second IPCEI large-scale hydrogen project with €12.2 billion – Austria participates with two companies


Research and innovation part of the solution in times of multiple crises


Due to high demand, the federal government is assigning 300 million euros from the budget – an extra 570 municipalities will be covered and investments of over 2 billion will be triggered


FFG to implement programme worth 50 million euros – Austrian companies conducting research for Austrian healthcare


International Academy of Astronautics honours Jankowitsch for his life’s work


2021 year in review


In order to drive forward the expansion of broadband in rural regions, the federal government is making available 1.4 billion euros until 2026