Zuletzt geändert: 07.02.2022

Universität Wien

Forschungsgruppe OCKO

Our main research focus can be broken down to this question:

How can we design environments that facilitate/enable learning, knowledge creation, innovation, and change?

We conceive of learning and change processes as ways of organizing our cognition, resulting in novel knowledge or innovation for a person or an organization. These processes are highly dependent upon the environments we are immersed in, the frameworks that constrain and often facilitate transformation. Knowing organizations as socio-epistemic environments are at the center of our attention: we are shaped by them and they are shaped by us.

Our research focus is on studying and designing environments that enable and facilitate processes of change, learning, innovation, and transformation (we refer to them as Enabling Spaces). We are doing research on and create environments supporting and integrating processes of knowledge creation and social dynamics. They comprise educational, organizational, work, and research contexts, in which we employ a variety of inter- and trans-disciplinary approaches, methods, and techniques.

Furthermore, we have established a teaching-research nexus: Our teaching activities in the fields of cognitive science (MEi:CogSci Master) and innovation (EC Innovation and Knowledge Creation) are both subject to our research and engage our students in research projects.

Organisation Details

Adresse Universitätsstraße 7
1010 Wien
Mitarbeiter in F&E 5
  • Sonstige
  • Forschungsservice und Beratung
  • Technologieverwertung, -transfer
  • Sozial-, Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Zusätzliche Keywords Innovation, Knowledge , Co-Creation, Learning, Change, Transformation, Instructional Design, Curriculum, Design, Interdisciplinary, Cognitive Science,


Mag. Gloria Bottaro
Mag. Gloria Bottaro
wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
T +43-1-4277-46424