Austrian Climate Research Programme (ACRP) – 15th Call

Budget of the call: 5 Mio. €

Within the framework of the Climate and Energy Fund, the Austrian Climate Research Programme (ACRP) provides a conceptual and institutional basis for supporting climate research in Austria. The ACRP focuses on research on climate change and climate actions, adaptation, mitigation and their mutual interrelation. The intent is to provide scientific back- ground for the implementation of the Austrian strategy for adaptation to climate change, the National Energy and Climate Plan (NEKP) and the Paris Agreement in Austria.

What is funded?

The ACRP focuses on research on climate change and climate actions, adaptation, mitigation and their mutual interrelation.

Projects of oriented basic research are funded in the following three thematic areas:

  • Understanding the climate system and consequences of climate change
  • Specific support for Austria’s policymakers
  • Transformative change

Who can apply?

The following Austrian research organisations are eligible as applicants and partners:

  • Universities
  • Private universities
  • Universities of applied sciences 
  • Non-university research institutions in the field of scientific research

National and international businesses and other practitioners as well as individual researchers from Austria can participate as subcontractors. Project partners are not limited to Austrian research institutions and can include foreign research organizations.

What is the amount of funding?

Eligible costs are covered up to 100 %.

What are the submission criteria?

Projects can be submitted by research institutions(individual projects) or by consortia (cooper ative projects). Further information on the submission criteria can be found in the Guide for the submission of proposals and in the Guidelines for projects of oriented basic research.

What do I need to apply? (or: What documents do I need to provide?)

For submission, the completed application must be uploaded via eCall before the deadline. The costs of the applicant and all project partners must also be entered via eCall before the deadline.

When will the decision be made?

A funding decision is expected by May 2023.


In addition to consulting services via mail and phone, we offer online consultations to answer any questions regarding the ACRP call and the submission of project proposals. For targeted advice on your project, you have the option to submit a project outline prior to the online consultation, which will serve as a basis for discussion. Please do not hesitate to reach out to the programme managers at FFG (see contact information below).


4. 10. 2022: ONLINE - Information day for the 15th call

In this online information event the content of the 15th call will be presented by a member of the steering committee. In addition, the FFG provides information on administrative and organizational aspects and gives tips and tricks for a successful application. There will be enough time for your questions.

For details and free registration visit: ACRP 15th Call Information Day






Wichtiger Hinweis zum Kostenplan:

Der Kostenplan ist vollständig im eCall auszufüllen. Das Hochladen von Excel-Listen ist nicht mehr möglich. Ausschlaggebend sind einzig die im eCall gemachten Angaben zum Kostenplan. Nutzen Sie unser eCall-Tutorial

Diese Ausschreibung basiert auf der FFG-Richtlinie-Missionen zur Förderung der wirtschaftlich - technischen Forschung, Technologieentwicklung und Innovation. 

Mustervorlagen für Kooperationen:


+43 577 555 041 E-Mail senden

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Die Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft (FFG) ist die nationale Förderinstitution für die unternehmensnahe Forschung und Entwicklung in Österreich. Förderungen der FFG tragen maßgeblich dazu bei, neues Wissen zu generieren, neue Produkte und Dienstleistungen zu entwickeln und damit am Weltmarkt wettbewerbsfähiger zu sein.
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