Australia-Austria Joint Call 2024: Industrial Decarbonisation

The Australian Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) and the Austrian Climate and Energy Fund (KLI.EN), on behalf of the Austrian Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK), intend to support collaborative demonstration or pilot/test projects between Australia and Austria that strengthen connections between Australian and Austrian industry and support the development of decarbonisation technologies for hard-to-abate energy-intensive industries.

The Joint Call focuses on demonstration or pilot/test facilities or projects that are directly related to such a facility and have a TRL of 5 to 8.

The AUSTRALIA-AUSTRIA JOINT CALL 2024 has two parts:

  • the transnational Submission via Austrian FFG eCall and
  • the national Submission via the national submission tools

The Call includes the following eligibility criteria and requirements:

  • Transnational eligibility criteria, applicable for all project consortia applying to the Call
  • National/regional requirements, applicable for Partners applying for funding from Funding Agencies in the Call.

All Project Consortium Partners are encouraged to carefully check all eligibility criteria and requirements.

What is funded?

You can submit proposals for bilateral cooperative research and development projects. These projects must fall under the research category of “Experimental Development” ranging from large prototype (TRL 5 - Technology validated in relevant Environment) to first-of-a-kind Commercial (TRL 8 - System complete and qualified). This joint call will support progress towards achieving the goals of the Net Zero Industries Mission, which promotes development and demonstration of cost-effective solutions for the efficient abate of hard-to-decarbonise energy-intensive industries globally by 2030.

Who can apply?

The project consortium must consist of at least two companies, one based in Austria and one in Australia. In addition, these two companies must either belong to the energy-intensive industry or be a technology provider. Supplementary other companies or scientific partners can be part of the project consortium.

What is the amount of funding?

The maximum amount of the respective national funding can be found in the respective national guidelines.  A budget of AUD$ 12 million is available for Australian partners and EUR 7 million for Austrian partners. 

What are the submission criteria?

  • Transnational eligibility criteria, applicable for all project consortia applying to the Call
  • National/regional requirements, applicable for Partners applying for funding from Funding Agencies in the Call.

The valid submission criteria can be found in the Transnational as well as National Submission Guidelines. You can find all guidelines in the downloadcenter below.

What do I need to apply?

Transnational Submission:

Submission of a transnational proposal must be done by means of the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) eCall, which opens from 17 April 2024. The proposal may only be submitted if all co-applicants have previously completed and submitted their partner proposals in eCall. Therefore, it is within the main applicant's duties to ensure timely submission of all partner proposals and of the proposal as a whole. The process of the invitation and application of project partners is described in detail in the section “Project Partners” in the eCall tutorial. Please note that the FFG electronic submission system generally does not allow changes to the proposal once you have submitted your proposal. Therefore, we kindly ask you to finalise your submission only when you are sure all content is ready for submission. It is not possible to resubmit or revise the proposal after the submission deadline.

You can use our eCall tutorial to assist you with operation.

If you still have technical questions about the use of the system, please contact the Call Secretariat at FFG

National Submission:

For national submissions, please use the respective national submission tool and follow the respective national guidelines. The transnational proposal must be uploaded as a mandatory attachment to the national application. 

When will the decision be made?

After the submission period ends, the projects are evaluated in a one-stage jury process by an independent panel of experts. The funding decision is expected to be made in October 2024.



Documents for the Transnational Submission

Deadline Transnational Submission 16 July 2024:

  • 18:00 Australian Eastern Standard Time
  • 10:00 Central European Summer Time

Guidelines and Information for the National Submission – AUSTRALIA - ONLY 

Deadline National Submission Australia: 18 July 2024 17:00 Australian Eastern Standard Time

Guidelines and Information for the National Submission – AUSTRIA  - ONLY

Deadline National Submission Australia: 18 July 2024 12:00 Central European Summer Time

Instrument Guidelines

Cost Guidelines


Note: The affidavit on SME status is required for entrepreneurial associations, sole proprietorships, start-ups and foreign companies. In the template provided, a classification of the last 3 years according to the SME definition must be made, if possible.

Legal basis
This call for proposals is based on the FFG-Challenge Guideline for the funding of economic-technical research, technology development and innovation. 

Sample templates for cooperationConsortium Agreement

Ing. Thomas STEFFL MSc
+43 577 555 066 E-Mail senden

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Die Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft (FFG) ist die nationale Förderinstitution für die unternehmensnahe Forschung und Entwicklung in Österreich. Förderungen der FFG tragen maßgeblich dazu bei, neues Wissen zu generieren, neue Produkte und Dienstleistungen zu entwickeln und damit am Weltmarkt wettbewerbsfähiger zu sein.
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