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Digital Technologies for Green - Bilateral Call with the Chinese Academy of Sciences

Bilateral Call with the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)

The aim of this call for Austrian-Chinese Cooperative R&D Projects is to support applied research and development of Green Digital Technologies with mutual interest and scientific excellence based on the existing cooperation agreement between the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) and the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).

What is funded?

FFG is prepared to provide selected Cooperative R&D Projects with financial support for a maximum of 3 years. The total call budget for the Austrian project partners is EUR 1 million. The funding amount for Austrian partners in a joint project must be between EUR 100.000 and EUR 1.000.000. The budget provided by FFG can only be used to cover costs related to the project parts carried out by the Austrian project partners. The funding regulations for Austrian project partners are laid down in the respective call documents.

The Cooperative R&D Projects must address research and development of green digital technologies that support climate protection and sustainability. 

Ethical Aspects

Projects must consider ethical aspects. Ethical aspects and responsible technology assessment are important in the conception of the solution, during the entire runtime of the project as well as in the post-project phase.

Conscious use of data

Conscious use of R&D data ensures that projects take a well-structured and well-documented approach to their data from the planning stage onwards. Unless competition reasons do not allow it, it is recommended to publish such data. At the same time, all measures to protect privacy need to be taken when dealing with person-related data. The conscious use of data concerns both the dimension of data protection and security, and the dimension of open data/open access.

Responsible and sustainable use of resources

Projects must be in line with the goals of the EU Green Deal and the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations (SDGs), and possibly even clearly relate to them. Transformation processes in economy and science should lead to climate neutrality, more efficient use of resources, and contribute to a clean and circular economy.

Who can apply?

From the Austrian side, companies and research organizations can be funded in this bilateral call for proposals. See Call Guideline for more information.

What is the amount of funding?

Depending on the type and size of the organization and the research category, the funding is between 35 and 85% of the project costs. The maximum funding that Austrian participants can apply for in a project is a total of EUR 1.000.000. The funding regulations for Austrian project partners are specified in the respective call documents.

What are the submission criteria?

Projects must comply with the cooperation specifications and requirements of the call documents. See Call Fiche and Call Guideline for more information.

What do I need to apply? (What documents do I need to provide?)

Further details on submission and the necessary submission documents can be found in the national call guidelines. For the Austrian side, the application must be submitted by 17th July 2023, 12:00 (C.E.S.T.) via eCall.

When will the decision be made?

The funding decision will be made in October 2023.



Ausschreibungsleitfaden national

Call Fiche CAS FFG 2023





Wichtiger Hinweis zum Kostenplan

Der Kostenplan ist vollständig im eCall auszufüllen. Das Hochladen von Excel-Listen ist nicht mehr möglich. Ausschlaggebend sind einzig die im eCall gemachten Angaben zum Kostenplan. Nutzen Sie unser eCall-Tutorial


Hinweis: Die eidesstattliche Erklärung zum KMU-Status ist für unternehmerisch tätige Vereine, Einzelunternehmen, Start-ups und ausländische Unternehmen notwendig. In der zur Verfügung gestellten Vorlage muss – sofern möglich – eine Einstufung der letzten 3 Jahre lt. KMU-Definition vorgenommen werden.

Diese Ausschreibung basiert auf der FFG-Richtlinie-Missionen zur Förderung der wirtschaftlich - technischen Forschung, Technologieentwicklung und Innovation. 
Mustervorlagen für Kooperationen:

+43 577 555 143 E-Mail senden
+43 577 555 022 E-Mail senden

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Die Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft (FFG) ist die nationale Förderinstitution für die unternehmensnahe Forschung und Entwicklung in Österreich. Förderungen der FFG tragen maßgeblich dazu bei, neues Wissen zu generieren, neue Produkte und Dienstleistungen zu entwickeln und damit am Weltmarkt wettbewerbsfähiger zu sein.
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