Our current funding opportunities Here you will find an overview of funding programmes currently managed by the FFG in alphabetical order: AAL – Active and Assisted Living Programme (in German only) AplusB – Academia plus Business AT:net - austrian electronic network (in German only) Austrian Space Applications Programme benefit Beyond Europe BRIDGE – the Programme Broadband Austria 2020 (in German only) CEDR - transnational road research calls City of tomorrow (in German only) COIN – Cooperation & Innovation COMET – Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies Collective Research ECSEL – Electronic Components and Systems for European Leadership Endowed professorship Energy Research Programme (in German only) ERA-NET Initiatives EUREKA Fundings within the General Programme: BRIDGE - the Programme Collective Research Early Stage - single firm project Feasibility Studies General Programme - single firm project Frontrunner - the Programme Innovation Voucher - the Programme Patent.Voucher - the Programme Markt.Start Projekt.Start Service Innovations Initiative SME Package Start-up Funding Frontrunner - the Programme Global Incubator Network (GIN) goAustria ICT of the Future Innovation Voucher - the Programme International Energy Agency (IEA) KIRAS – Security Research Laura Bassi Centres of Expertise Mobility of the Future (in German only) Model Region Energy (in German only) NANO EHS - Nanon Health Security and Environment (in German only) National Road Research (in German only) Patent.Voucher - the Programme Production of the Future R&D Competences for Industry Research Partnerships Research Studios Austria Service Innovations Initiative Smart Cities Demo (in German only) SME Package SOLAR ERA-NET (in German only) Start-up Funding TAKE OFF Talents Cost Guidelines Cost Eligibility in FFG Projects - The quick and easy way to cost planning and accounting The Cost Guidelines provide detailed information about the eligibility of costs in FFG Projects.Before preparing the funding application, an interm or final account, please read and observe all provisions relevant for the project in order to avoid corrections and cutbacks. Cost Guidelines Version 2.0 (valid as from January 1, 2015) Cost Guidelines Version 1.4 (valid for calls until December 31, 2014) Cost Guidelines Version 1.3 Cost Guidelines Version 1.2 About the FFG The Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) is the national funding institution for industry-related research and development in Austria. FFG funding plays a key role in generating new knowledge, developing new products and services, and thereby becoming more competitive in the global market. Learn more Stay connected Every week, you will receive an update from the FFG in your inbox. Of course, you can unsubscribe from our newsletter at any time. Your e-mail address