CA23156 |
CA23156 European Network for Sigma-1 Receptor as a Therapeutic Opportunity |
CA23153 |
Digital Mental Health for Young People |
CA23152 |
Building Consensus on Biofilm Regulatory Decision Making |
CA23151 |
Mediterranean Cancer Screening and Early Diagnosis Network |
CA23142 |
Developing Knowledge involved in diagnosis and control of human-diseases related to Pneumocystis |
CA23140 |
Boost and secure ATMP for BURN patient |
CA23133 |
Large-scale Interdisciplinary Alliance on Nature-based SoLutions and Health: Indicators, InequalitY and Innovation |
CA23125 |
The mETamaterial foRmalism approach to recognize cAncer |
CA23119 |
SENESCENCE2030: Targeting Cell Senescence to Prevent Age-Related Diseases |
CA23113 |
Climate change impacts on mental health in Europe |
CA23110 |
International networking on in vitro colon models simulating gut microbiota mediated interactions |
CA23106 |
An Evolutionary View to Understanding Affective States across Species |
CA22139 |
Justice to youth language needs: human rights undermined by an invisible disadvantage |
CA22125 |
Precision medicine in biliary tract cancer |
CA22119 |
Haemoglobinopathies in European Liaison of Medicine and Science |
CA22118 |
Radionuclide theragnostics for personalised medicine |
CA22114 |
Maternal Perinatal Stress and Adverse Outcomes in the Offspring: Maximising infants´development |
CA22106 |
Migrant Disaster Victim Identification |
CA21168 |
Improving outcome of Juvenile Inflammatory Rheumatism via universally applicable clinical practice |
CA21165 |
Personalized medicine in chronic kidney disease: improved outcome based on Big Data |
CA21164 |
TowArDs an improVement in diAgNostiCs and trEatment strategies for TB control |
CA21152 |
Implementation Network Europe for Cancer Survivorship Care |
CA21147 |
European Network on Optimising Treatment with Therapeutic Antibodies in chronic inflammatory diseases |
CA21145 |
European Network for diagnosis and treatment of antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections |
CA21140 |
INTercEption of oRal CancEr develoPmenT |
CA21137 |
Ethics in Dementia |
CA21130 |
P2X receptors as a therapeutic opportunity |
CA21123 |
Cancer- Understanding Prevention in Intellectual Disabilities |
CA21117 |
The role of IMMUnity in tackling PARKinson’s disease through a Translational NETwork |
CA21116 |
Identification of biological markers for prevention and translational medicine in pancreatic cancer |
CA21113 |
Genome Editing to Treat Humans Diseases |
CA21111 |
One Health drugs against parasitic vector borne diseases in Europe and beyond |
CA20135 |
Improving biomedical research by automated behaviour monitoring in the animal home-cage |
CA20124 |
Maximising impact of multidisciplinary research in early diagnosis of neonatal brain injury |
CA20122 |
Harmonizing clinical care and research on adrenal tumours in European countries |
CA20119 |
European andrology network – research coordination, education and public awareness |
CA20114 |
Therapeutical applications of Cold Plasmas |